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Hello everyone!

I'm Mo Gill - a mediator, facilitator, coach and author. I’m writing in the name of Maureen Gill-Beedie, Beedie being my given name.
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Meet the author

Hello everyone!
I'm Mo Gill - a mediator, facilitator, coach and author. 

I write in the name of Maureen Gill-Beedie, Beedie being my given name.
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I live in the Kingdom of Fife with my husband, three dogs and three hens but I’m originally from Peeblesshire in the Scottish Borders, where I was brought up on a farm.
During the first ´lockdown’ I decided to write a book and joined Michael Heppell’s Write That Book online course which was both challenging and a lot of fun! 
People as period twenty my extent as. Set was better abroad ham plenty secure had horses. Admiration has sir decisively excellence say everything inhabiting acceptance. Sooner settle add put you sudden him.
This resulted in me writing the first book, Bertie and the Snow Dragon, based on our new cockapoo puppy ‘Bertie’ who is the main character in the book series ´The Adventures of Bertie MacButton.’


  • Some text goes here -- maybe feedback from readings at schools, maybe feedback on the book(s) from children/parents etc?


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